Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Eric Stoltz

Eric Stoltz. The man from Some Kind of Wonderful. The "You look good wearing my future" guy. The almost-Marty McFly person.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Always by Kristian Stanfill

This song is extremely wonderful in ways I cannot fully express. :D
Here he is at the Passion concert in Manila, May 2010.
He was with Chris Tomlin and speaker Louie Giglio.

This is Kristian and he is an awesome singer/songwriter. He plays for the Passion conferences. I got to see him last 2010 when I attended Passion Manila 2010 at the Smart Araneta Coliseum. He was amazing. The energy was just overwhelming. I tried not to think of how good he looked back then because well, hello, it was a worship concert. But, he is really good-looking. Haha.I dreamed of him recently, which embarrasses me but well, it's the truth.

Anyway, THIS SONG! Has helped me get through some tough times. HAHA. I play it every time before my ENG103 class. That is the worst. I need this song to even convince me to attend class. YYYEAAAH. Anyway, I hope you also love Kristian's work! :) This is Passion 2011 in Atlanta.

Loving You Is Easy by Chris August

Chris here is my new-found friend! I love him! He's a believer and he's just funny and light-hearted but still you can see his depth and the gravity of his faith.

Here's one of his fun and awesome songs. Hope you enjoy!

Promising Promises by Jon McLaughlin

Once again, Jon is able to prove himself as the piano genius that he is. HAHA. I'm afraid I'm going to put so much of him in the following posts. Prepare yourself.

Anyway, for the meantime, this is Promising Promises, one of my current favorites. Enjoy!

The Addams Family Musical

I've known this for a time now, though I haven't seen the whole thing. Of course, how could I? It's BROOOADWWWAAYYY.

Anyway, I only know two awesooome songs. HAHA. 

Wednesday's solo.

This is Krysta. She is an awesome kick-ass female. HAHA. I love her. She's the original Broadway Wednesday. Next to her is Rachel Potter.
This one is a Wednesday understudy. For the National Tour.

Crazier Than You
Wednesday and Lucas, her boyfriend. HAHA. I looove this scene.

Krysta and Wesley. You might know Wes Taylor, I've seen him on TV some. Saw him just recently on Smash. He's pretty cool.
Honestly, I like this one better. That girl's name is Courtney, I think? I love Krysta and Wes, but I just think the Courtney-Jesse pairing is better with this number. I loooove Courtney's delivery of the dialogue which I think is very dead-pan and funny and I like how her voice is smooth when she's singing so I really get the melody. I like Jesse's acting too, he's all suave and he and Courtney look great together. Anyway, this one is just dearer to me.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Posting Spree!

Hey people! As you very well may observe, I haven't been posting for a long time now. It is due to the fact that I've never had the decency and the backbone to do so until tonight. The beginning of the sem was hellfire and I needed all my wits about me to get through the first few weeks. Noooow....nothing has changed really except for me not caring anymore. HAHA. Kidding. I just decided to give myself a break. It's a Friday night and my brother just got tired of harassing the PC so now it's my turn. I have decided a posting spree because I am just itching to share new music with you! My playlist is full of amazing songs from amazing artists and I've been listening to them so much that I'm ready to embark on a new M.E.N. session to replace 'em all. HAHA.

Sooo, yeah, stay with me through the night and have fun listenin'! I love y'all. :D ♥♥♥

Sunday, June 17, 2012


My Patty Walters conversations on Twitter. HAHA. All two of them LOL. Rachel doesn't reply to me! She does on YouTube though. :D

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Period Drama: North and South

This drama is my new favorite!

Gads, ever since I watched Pride and Prejudice, I've been thirsting for period drama. I've tried re-watching the older version of P&P but it didn't quite pique my interest. But when I saw a clip of North and South on Youtube, I just knew I had to watch it. I'm not really used to watching period romance, I've been used more to reading it. But I've discovered that it is such a pleasure to watch it! To see for myself their clothes, to hear their accents, to know how a country ball looked like. It's hard to imagine when you've never seen anything like it in your life. HAHAHA.

I also want to mention that this is a show by BBC. Recently, I've really grown to liking their shows. (Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sherlock, Doctor Who). I also know they do a lot of good period drama. The good thing is they do them as serials which, I think, is waaaay better than doing them as movies. Especially the adaptations like Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and other stuffs. The first BBC show I've watched is, of course, Sherlock which is NOT a period drama. Anyway, I want to talk more about North and South.

This drama is set in the time of the Industrial Revolution, I've gathered. And it's about the differences between the slower-paced, more rural South of England and the Industrialized North. This show is based on the novel by Elizabeth Gaskell. I've recently downloaded an e-book version of this and I am soooo looking forward to reading it. Much so, in fact, that I have also downloaded an audio book that I can listen to if I can't get a hold of a computer or an e-book reader. Last night, HAHA, I listened to it till I fell asleep and my dream was infused with bits of the story. It's so funny.

Okay, so this is a synopsis from the BBC website.

Set against the backdrop of Victorian England's industrial north, it follows the fortunes of Margaret Hale, one of 19th century literature's most original heroines.

Played by Daniela Denby-Ashe, Margaret is a privileged, middle class southerner who is forced to settle in the northern town of Milton.

Margaret takes instant offence to the town and its people. She becomes terribly lonely and hates the dirt, noise and lack of civilisation, blaming their new way of life for her mother's ailing health.

Her distaste for the town and its people extends to handsome and charismatic cotton mill owner John Thornton, (Richard Armitage), whom she believes epitomises everything she dislikes about the North.

However, Margaret gradually begins to settle in Milton. Her social conscience awakens and she befriends some of the local mill workers, learning about their poverty and workplace struggles.

As events conspire to throw Margaret and Thornton together, the two spirited characters have to overcome their repressed physical attraction for one another and conquer prejudices of class and circumstance.
Another shorter one from Wikipedia

North & South is a British television drama serial, produced by the BBC and originally broadcast in four episodes on BBC One in November and December 2004. It follows the story of Margaret Hale (Daniela Denby-Ashe), a young woman from southern Englandwho has to move to the North after her father decides to leave the clergy. The family struggles to adjust itself to the industrial town's customs, especially after meeting the Thorntons, a proud family of cotton mill owners who seem to despise their social inferiors. The story explores the issues of class and gender, as Margaret's sympathy for the town mill workers conflicts with her growing attraction to John Thornton (Richard Armitage).

The serial is based on the 1855 Victorian novel North & South by Elizabeth Gaskell. It was adapted for television by Sandy Welch and directed by Brian Percival.
This drama is actually so sweet and romantic. I also like the history behind it. If you know Pride and Prejudice, the love story is actually quite similar. How the heroine hates the hero at the beginning and all that.

What I really really really like about this drama is the hero, John Thornton. At first, I didn't really like him. I don't think anybody would've liked him in his first scene because he actually beats up one of the workers in his mill. HAHA. But he had a reason for beating up the lad, at least. As the story progresses, my word! You are going to adore every fiber of his being. He is a complete momma's boy. HAHA. No, I wouldn't actually say that. It's just that his mom is all he has in the world. His mother absolutely loves him, although she could be overly protective. I also like their not-so-typical relationship, although it's easy dislike his mother. Another reason why John Thornton is amazing is because of the actor who portrayed him, Richard Armitage. HE IS SOOOO FRIGGIN' AWESOME! What an excellently effective actor. I am totally besotted with his piercingly fierce eyes and his half-smiling wry lips. Gosh! The thing is, I like details in what I watch. I like to notice the little things. And Richard is the kind of actor who pays attention to those things. So, I really love every flicker of his eyes, every tilt in his tone of speaking, every twitch of the corner of his mouth. He acts with those small details and I just feel elated watching him. I guarantee you, you will fall in love with him. **Oooh! I'll disrupt this train of thought to mention that Richard is going to be in The Hobbit! Although I seriously don't think he'll be as awesome looking there. I think he's the guy, that character, I always see with his face covered with mustache and beard. HAHA. Although his sideburns in North and South is most definitely charming too. END**

Daniela Denby-Ashe does a fantastic job as Margaret Hale. I love her face! Those eyes with those eyebrows? So attractive. And she doesn't come off as prissy despite all that. But Margaret's character can get pretty annoying sometimes, with her prejudice and rash judgment and how she acts upon those sooo sometimes I come close to detesting the chit. HAHA.

I like it that I know more about Thornton than I do Margaret. I know about his feelings more than hers. He even falls in love with her earlier! It's like he's the main protagonist here. And Margaret is the ethereal closed-off character he adores.

It's quite easy to make audience develop a liking towards Thornton. He is pretty much like Fitzwilliam Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. Dark, brooding and exceedingly moody brute. But his show of vulnerability, his declaration of love even though he knows "such a woman cannot care for him", oh gads, you do not only trust the man, you actually become smitten.

You know how when the movie affects you, you almost immediately deem it as a fantastic work of art? Well, this series gave me shivers and lowered me to mindless screeching with just a mere holding of hands. I am not exaggerating. When Margaret kissed Thornton's hand, I was breathless. When they kissed, well, my world was irredeemably shattered. You better watch out for this last scene.

Everyone is particularly in shambles because of the "Look back. Look back at me." scene. OH, but I'm telling too much already.

I would love to watch this thing with you guys. It's just four episodes (pouting), PLEASE????


Monday, May 14, 2012

Tell me why this isn't the cutest thing ever.

I only know one reason why this isn't the cutest thing ever: it makes me extremely jealous of Adam Young. I wish Matty was telling me that.

Otherwise, it's the cutest thing ever.

I really want this book.

I've read other John Green works but I never really like them that much. But this one seems promising.

Now, this is something.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

FINALLY! A song again :) Be glad.

I am totally in love with this song right now and I take it to heart. I'm going to sing this to my husband once we're married.

I am so looking forward to more Mindy Gledhill. Maybe her entire album is the soundtrack of my life. Or even my dream life. Nevertheless.

Chick-Lit: Anna and the French Kiss

I recently read this chick-lit titled Anna and the French Kiss and I really liked it.

It's about this girl Anna who was sent off to Paris by his dad. He enrolled her to a boarding school for Americans. Can you believe it?! She was a senior already! Well, she totally hated that and she had a rough time. And then she meets these guys who became her friends and among them was the guy of her dreams. BBBUUUUTTT he already has a girlfriend and they've been together for a year. UGH. Talk about ouch. But that girl doesn't go to that school anymore. Etienne and Anna became friends and then BEST friends and then y'know what comes next. They hang out for the whole year for Pete's sake. And theeeennnnn....

Anyway, I'm not gonna say anymore cause you might want to read the thing. And hey, if you do, just tell me and I'll e-mail you the e-book version I have. :)

It's totally awesome.What I liked about it is the fact that it's about friendship too. Not just silly sloppy romance. I like Anna's friends and the way they hang out. I wish I had those kinds of friends. Another reason why I liked this is Anna's character. You know, I seldom read chick-lits before this because I find that I don't like the protagonists that much from other chick-lits. And more often than not, the books are in their POV sooo eeew. Irritating girls. But I find that I like Anna very much. Her interest Etienne St. Claire is, of course, desirable. Hot, if you don't mind my saying so. The only thing you probably wouldn't typically like is his being short. I don't like short guys because, well, I'm a short girl. Balance is essential, am I not right? Anyway, St. Claire is cool. And his name! Etienne. So romantic. I've read the name before, in the Julia Quinn novels. It intrigued me then, that name. HAHAHA. He also shows his weakness and vulnerability here so it's cool too. I like that I know what the boy is about. I like that I know his story too and I can predict his actions and thoughts because of what the story reveals about his past and his character.

It's really nakakakilig so you better read it!

Hey, here's a trailer I found on YouTube. It's so cool. That is not a movie ver. of Anna and the French Kiss, though. That is a movie titled LOL. It might sound familiar to you because there's an American remake to be shown soon starring (guess who) Miley Cyrus! Yeah. Hahaha. Anyway, this version is French, which is awesome so I'll watch it. HAHAHAHA! It's a good video for Anna and the French Kiss because it shows some scenes that are parallel with the scenes in the book. :))

Movie: Rocket Science

Given that it is an extremely awful movie with a lot of stuttering, depression, divorce, heavy high school kissing with no emotional attachment whatsoever, and all adolescent turmoil and nonsense, I find I can still see the good in this movie. But I am not saying it’s not an awful movie. In fact, I’m saying don’t watch it unless you want to see the reasons why I like it. LOL Otherwise, it’s a gross coming-of-age film. But really, it’s heavy emotional too. You see, it’s about this guy Hal Hefner (?) and he stutters and can’t speak straight. So everybody thinks he’s a retard and so he tries to find his voice by joining the Debate Club whatever. Anyway. You see, I like details in movies. And I find joy in these little things. HAHAHA! I first watched this when I was in high school and I was so weirded out as well as fascinated, but really more weirded out. And I failed to notice the little things! But I decided I liked it anyway, just because it had spirit and emotion. But now, watching it again...How do I like thee? Let me count the ways.

1.      Anna Kendrick’s pudgy face! LOL. I can laugh at it for the whole movie. Dang, I just hate her character so much that I had to have something to be happy about when I see her.
2.      The narration. The narrator. So dramatic! And effective.
3.      That Chinese (?) whatever Asian guy named Aaron Yoo (I think). Anyway, he’s just so random and I don’t know his significance in this movie and he says the most random things and he’s always freaking smiling and it just borders on ridiculous. Really.
4.      Whenever I see Reece Daniel Thompson, that guy who plays Hal Hefner, I’m always day dreaming of what he looked like today for real. And I can’t help thinking he could be a very awesome nerd. Or if not, just cute. He’s more likely taller. And I bet age does him good. He has beautiful skin, you know.
5.      And HELLO! The ultimate, most important thing in this movie that I brushed off that first time is Nicholas D’Agosto. Ben. My Nickito. You see, just recently, Nick became my hero. When I saw him in some other movie, and I loved him. Then I’m re-watching this Rocket Science movie and I started from the middle. So I was half an hour in this movie when I realized my Nickito is in it! I have forgotten. I was but a teenager and I had no taste whatsoever. That’s the only explanation I can gather.
6.      Nickito debating. He’s so marvellous! I so love watching his face as these emotions flashes through it. I like seeing the quirk at the corner of his mouth as he starts to smile and how his eyebrows shoot up.
7.      Nickito dry cleaning. He wears a smock. :P That scene! I love that. His face is all sarcasm and exasperation. HAHA!
8.      Nickito so young. He’s 31 now I think. And he still looks exactly like that. He is INCAPABLE OF AGEING.
9.      Ben ditching Ginny in the beginning of the movie.
10.   Ben and Hal tag-teaming against Ginny! THAT IS EEEPPPPPPPIIIIC! Yes, I earlier expressed my deep disgust of Anna Kendrick’s character right?
11.   Ben’s wisdom.
12.   Nickito so tall J
13.   Nickito’s laugh when Hal told him about his cello-throwing fit of anger. “A real cello? *insert cute laugh here* Now that’s pretty sharp on my book.”
14.   Nickito saying “..blah blah (I couldn’t follow, he was talking too fast)..our priority which is finding you and your voice.” I just loved that.
15.   Nickito on the rooftop. When he screams “THROW ME THE CELLO!” so Hal will speak louder.
16.   Nickito playing the banjo. The banjo, of all instruments! I am fascinated by it, you see. And only recently. When I met Phoebe Cryar from The Vespers.
17.   Nickito singing The Battle blah blah of the Republic. HAHAHAHAHA!
18.   Nickito’s smile while singing said song.
19.   Earl, Hal’s brother, caring. At all.
20.   Ben and Hal’s polka-dotted bow ties.
21.   Hal Hefner’s song speech.
22.   The mystery behind Nickito’s character. I think it’s awfully complex and complicated. HAHA.

READ THIS: Rocket Science is NOT really an awful movie. I lied. This film is totally eccentric. It’s indie, which explains a lot. Geez, I like indie. They’re really weird but they have heart. Not to mention wit and intelligence! But I did have to do that internal battle of whether I really liked it or not, which lasted for all of 3 seconds. Really, awful or not, this movie is attached to me already.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

This post shall be about Nicholas D'Agosto.

More Regency Lexicon

As I am pretty obsessed with these words.

Cap/ Set One's Cap

Try to catch a sweetheart or a husband.

"It was clear to all of the guests at the Mottram ball Thursday last that Miss Rosamund Reiling has set her cap far Mr. Phillip Cavender.

It is the opinion of This Author that the two are well matched indeed."

--Lady Whistledown's Society Papers, 30 APRIL 1817
(An Offer from a Gentleman by Julia Quinn)

Cast up one's accounts

To vomit.
Anabel's stomach heaved. She spent all night casting up her accounts.

--inspired by Anabel's character in Fool for Love by Eloisa James


A saucy, forward girl.

"Ellie wanted to strangle her. She didn't particularly like being condescended to by a chit of fourteen
years."  --Eleanor Lyndon from Brighter Than the Sun by Julia Quinn

Because She Would Ask Me Why I Loved Her

a poem by Christopher Brennan

If questioning would make us wise
No eyes would ever gaze in eyes;
If all our tale were told in speech
No mouths would wander each to each.

Were spirits free from mortal mesh
And love not bound in hearts of flesh
No aching breasts would yearn to meet
And find their ecstasy complete. 
For who is there that lives and knows
The secret powers by which he grows?
Were knowledge all, what were our need
To thrill and faint and sweetly bleed?. 
Then seek not, sweet, the "If" and "Why"
I love you now until I die.
For I must love because I live
And life in me is what you give.

I never knew poems could be such delights. They make me shiver in awe and love. :)

The Passionate Shepherd to His Love

Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
That valleys, groves, hills, and fields,
Woods, or steepy mountain yields. 
And we will sit upon rocks,
Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,
By shallow rivers to whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals. 
And I will make thee beds of roses
And a thousand fragrant poises,
A cap of flowers, and a kirtle
Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle; 
A gown made of the finest wool
Which from our pretty lambs we pull;
Fair lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles of the purest gold; 
A belt of straw and ivy buds,
With coral clasps and amber studs;
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me, and be my love. 
The shepherds's swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May morning:
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me and be my love.

Christopher Marlowe

Monday, May 7, 2012

Regency Lexicon

Some Regency terms I encounter during my readings. And my use of them in context :)


Exclusive assembly rooms in London. One required vouchers from one of the Patronesses in order to attend.

Surely he could endure another more night with all those ambitious society mama's at Almack's.

Almack's was the place to find oneself an eligible bride.


A notice of an impending marriage given on three consecutive Sundays in one's parish church. If no one objected to the match during this period, the marriage could proceed.

She asked him to get a special license. She would rather they marry in haste, without all the necessary banns read.


An insane asylum in London. The full name was the Hospital of Saint Mary of Bethlehem.

A conversation with him is like a day at Bedlam.

“After spending the 
past few days cooped up with Miss De Leon, I 
consider myself a worthy candidate for Bedlam.” --Blake Ravenscroft (To Catch an Heiress by Julia Quinn)

Bit o'muslin

A woman of who gives sexual favors in exchange for payment.

“Calista, listen to me for a moment,” he said gently. “I am not engaged to Amanda, and
Lady Enright knows that.”

“I realize it is more of an understanding, but surely—”

“There is no understanding.” He sighed, disliking to shock her but knowing that honesty
was called for. “I had hoped to spare you the particular details of this, my sweet, but the
truth is that Amanda is—was actually—my, er—”

The light dawned in her eyes as she saw his discomfort. “Mistress? Fancy piece? Bit of
muslin?” Her tone sounded bitter to her own ears, and tears burned in her eyes as she
acknowledged to herself that they owed as much to jealousy of Amanda Prescott as to
disgust with his profligacy.

--Lord Stanhope's Proposal by Jessica Benson
**It might be of interest for you to know that Calista and Tristan, Earl of Stanhope marries at the end of this :) Mistresses are normal for them, you see. Maybe not if it is to be a love match ,though.


A lady interested in books, learning and scholarly pursuits. From the so-called "Blue Stocking Society" which a group of society ladies began in the 1750's to discuss literature and other matters.

Belle could not believe that the handsome viscount would want a bluestocking such as herself.  


Short, close-fitting trousers that fastened just below the knees and were worn with stockings.

He was a man with an eye for fashion, as one could tell by the way his breeches handsomely hugged his masculine thighs. 

An illegitimate child.

"But she was no gently bred lady, she thought defiantly. She was a bastard, a nobleman's by-blow. She was not a member of the ton and never would be." --Sophia Gunningwood who took the name Sophia Beckett which later became Sophia Bridgerton, wife of Hon. Benedict Bridgerton. (An Offer from a Gentleman by Julia Quinn)

Regency Lexicon.


A four wheeled carriage usually having the front wheels smaller than the rear ones. It also had no side protection and left the gentleman's trousers or the lady's skirts open to flying mud. A very high seat, so high that one had to use a ladder to get into it only added to the phaeton's outre looks. A phaeton was drawn by two or sometimes four horses and came in several styles. ( http://www.likesbooks.com/carriages.html )


The race-car of the regency. A curricle was a two wheeled carriage with a folding hood for protection from the elements. It was light and speedy, it was drawn by two horses and quickly became the carriage of choice for the fashionable young man about town. The curricle was a good vehicle for showing off your driving skills, and showing off your perfectly matched pair of horses. ( http://www.likesbooks.com/carriages.html)


Pride and Prejudice

Neverland Parts 1 and 2

From Prada to Nada

I'll laugh at you laughing at me.

She's the girl that every boy wants to date,
She's the chic that every girl wants to be,
Including me, I know you see
That I'm just unsure and insecure
I'm so afraid, I disbelieve myself
I'm self-absorbed but I can't be strong,

I can't even be the hero in my own song.

'Never Let Me Go' - The Trailer

This has sooo much effect on me. I don't know why but I've visited it's IMDb page before but I don't remember it at all. And it's soooooooooo, I don't know, so like those dystopian things I've been reading. So deliciously compelling. Must watch! Plus, Andrew Garfield and Keira Knightley?  UH-HUH! And I'm curious to see Carey Mulligan's acting. :)

UPDATE: Well, hey hey. It is a dystopian film after all. Did a little bit of researching. I think I may have brushed up on it back when I was on my dystopian-crazed phase and downloaded so many dystopian young adult fiction. HAHA. So much that I don't remember things. Anyway, these dystopian things are really creepy but so engrossing too. They're sooo weird :)

Hey, Charlie Rowe stars as the young Tommy! I'll tell you about Charlie on another post.


She Moves In Her Own Way- The Kooks

Go summer songs! This one makes me feel so gooooood! :P

AAAND I love the way it's English through and through.

The Kooks. Soooo awesome.

The Ginger just replied to me on Twitter.

If you wanna know who "The Ginger" is, you better read my nonsensical post titled 'Are you saying it's possible to have red hair and NOT be a Weasley?'

Anyway, I posted his quote about Obama being hipster and he gone and done replied to me.

I love my jokesters.

Friday, May 4, 2012


Y'all y'alll y'alalalalal. Listen to this. I discovered this just now.

Geeezzz. Do you know, I love Robert Schwartzman. And I know about his relations with the brothers. But I didn't know THIS. THIS. After years and years. SIGH. Wave it off Nikka. Deep breaths, walk away. It's Robbie, he's hot, he sings awesome, everybody loves him and you're happy for him.

I think it's high time I posted a Bulldozer song.

I present to you The Ocean Grove band.

My friends John Taylor, Greg Garbowsky, Jack Lawless and Ryan Liestman.

Don't remember them?

Watch this.
Can you believe they didn't know that it was JT.

YEAAAH. They're JB's band boooyaaaaaah. And they formed their own shindig. They called it Ocean Grove. It was Bulldozer before. Way way before. You might know or remember that I was besotted with Garbo. I still am.

Here's a song

Are you telling me its possible to have red hair and NOT be a Weasley?

Heyyyyyooooooo. HAHAHA.

Just being random. There's this band on Twitter who followed me quite some time ago. And I just have this crush on one of the band members. His name is Andrew from the band Rocky Loves Emily and I initially like him based solely on his being a ginger. I found it highly amusing because it is definitely what DEFINES him. He's like Andrew the ginger man or just plain Ginger. They do trends like #gingerproblems and #gingerwisdom and probably lots of other phrases with the word "ginger" on them and they make Be Calm posters saying "Be Calm and Ginger On" but then these are common ginger activities. But he is how I found out and it's so amusing and adorable. I can't resist stuffs like that and I definitely cannot resist a good mass of red hair. You probably don't know that about me so I'm coming clean now. I have this obsession with red hair, green eyes and freckles. Yes, freckles. I adore them. Most especially on a pretty girl's face, specifically along the nose.

Hey, Andrew is cute as heck too. He's got amazing eyes and I smile whenever I see his face. But half of the reason is amusement. HAHA.

Andrew. Andrew. Andrew.

I was on his Tumblr account earlier and some posts just really made me smile. So now I have a list of Andrew lines:
-I've got 99 #gingerproblems and a soul ain't one of them.
-Retweet if there is a special Red Head in your life.
-We’re all bad people, because nobody is good on their own.
-I don’t [have a girlfriend]. I have a wife, does that count? lol
-Obama has a tumblr? What a hipster! (Ohmygeez I definitely backflipped on this one. Andrew is a hipster himself)
-imposters. (when asked what he thought of people who dye their hair red)
-They are inferior to my breed! ;) (when asked what he thought of blondes)
I like another one from the band though. Their front man Brandon. Yeah, he's cool and slightly weird (even for me) and he is ABSURDLY TALL.

Check them out! The band, I mean. They're pretty cool. I would probably put them on my playlist IF I were in my rock/punk phase. But alas, I don't find myself in that mood just now.

The Cumberbatch is Ginger.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Take it from Hyacinth. Where the heck is Gareth when she needs muzzling?!

Oh, I forget. They're not yet married here. Heaven help us from unmarried female Bridgertons. Oh, Hyacinth is the only one remaining.

“Eloise,” Penelope said, somewhat breathless from trying to shake off Hyacinth.
“Penelope.” But Eloise’s voice sounded curious. Which did not surprise Penelope; Eloise was no fool, and she was well aware that her brother’s normal modes of behavior did not include beatific smiles in her direction.
“Eloise,” Hyacinth said, for no reason Penelope could deduce.
Penelope turned to her husband. “Colin.”
He looked amused. “Penelope. Hyacinth.”
Hyacinth grinned. “Colin.” And then: “Sir Phillip.”
“Ladies.” Sir Phillip, it seemed, favored brevity.
“Stop!” Eloise burst out. “What is going on?”
“A recitation of our Christian names, apparently,” Hyacinth said.

The Bridgerton's amuse me to no end.

Colin and Penelope (but esp. Colin) making me laugh my head off.
“Penelope’s here?” Anthony barked. “Why?”
“She’s my wife,” Colin returned.
“She’s never attended before.”
“She wanted to see me win,” Colin shot back, rewarding his brother with a sickly stretch of a smile.
Anthony resisted the urge to throttle him.Barely. 
“And how do you know you’re going to win?”
Colin waved the black mallet before him. “I already have.”
“Good day, all,” Penelope said, ambling down to the gathering. 
“No cheering,” Anthony warned her.
Penelope blinked in confusion. “I beg your pardon?”
“And under no circumstances,” he continued, because really, someone had to make sure the game retained some integrity, “may you come within ten paces of your husband.”
Penelope looked at Colin, bobbed her head nine times as she estimated the steps between them, and took a step back.

I say, nothing beats a good (not to mention annual) Bridgerton Pall Mall game at Aubrey Hall.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

HAHA! Let's talk The Vespers.


Gads, I just realized that I've talked about the band The Vespers and how they followed me on Twitter and all that but I haven't even shared their awesome music with you!

I came to this realization because they just released a music video from their latest album and I was wondering what I HAVE posted before and it seems I haven't posted anything at all.

So, let's remedy that, shall we?

Sooo the band is composed of four people. 2 sisters and 2 brothers. But don't get confused, they aren't all related. They're two sets of siblings. Cool huh? Thought so too.

Their genre is folk pop, I think? Yeah, and they're indie. I got to know them through Jenny and Tyler of course! They promote them at every opportunity. Great friends.

They're awesome. How can the banjo and the upright bass be anything other than awesooooome?

These guys are really cute and I like their style so much. Especially the girls. I like their clothes and all.

Okay, off to music. I don't know a lot yet but I know some I really like.

Will You Love Me.
They look like pixies or some lake nymphs. HAHA.
Flower Flower.

My morning music. Just to be sunny the whole day :)

Better Now.
Fresh and new! Just downloaded some music from NoiseTrade. Download some too! Just go to NT and search them.

SO beautiful.

Friday, April 27, 2012

We Miss Geiger!

Miss your groooooooves man.

I listened to this and I wanted to bawl like an infant.

It's like tripping on a treasure you've forgotten you had. It's like encountering the freshness of first love.

I sound like a dork. But music makes me feel things. Sorry. It just feels amazing.

Sorry about this.

The delay I mean. I was supposed to post this right after my ever-long lament on Jon McL.

Forever If Ever

I love this song so much. Mainly because it talks about a love that is so strong and unconditional. Me and my friend Sam have been talking about "loving somebody in his/ her own terms" and this is the song that I believe demonstrates that.

If you notice the words, I think it talks about the girl having a restless heart. Trying to find meaning and purpose, never settling in one place. And the guy doesn't really like it. I think the girl leaves him hanging. And him, as he loves her, supports her and tries to be with her. But he's hurting.
But then at the chorus he's like, go ahead and find yourself, whatever will make you feel good and complete. And then if in the process you choose to 'let go', it's okay. But I'll still be here. I'll keep my heart open because I love you.
When he says "There's so much that you could say to take this pain away but the right words are ones you'll never find", I get the sense that this guy recognizes that this girl needs this whole finding myself journey. There's simply nothing he could do about it but wait. That if she does otherwise, it won't be her. Like, it's not in her character. That "the words she'll be saying" can make things alright between them but they will be against her very nature and principles and he doesn't want that.

Hey, this is the live acoustic version by the way. Not the studio version. It's hard to find but maybe you can download it on NoiseTrade. OR NOT. Probably not. Download it HERE instead. Better with drums. The lyrics are HERE.

And then we go to Summer Is Over

Anyway. You know, summer love and all that. It's obvious enough. People are crude. I just love the words and the tunes
I hate the one with Sara Bareilles (YES, I care to repeat myself)(She sounded like a man) because Jon's solo was good enough. How can I settle for second best once, as Katy Perry said in some song, "once I've had the best"?
And bloody heck. They totally removed that songs bridge. It's friggin incomplete.
Can't find the original on YouTube though. They take down everything. Pffffff. Okay, I am tipped off just typing about this. I'll update later.

See yah. Look for the originals alright?!

Why I love her. And a song.

If she's not like this, SIGH, I don't like her much..and pre-rehab she was, like, the opposite of this. I almost hated her then.

HEY, while we're here, let's have a song.

Sorry I chose the shaky video but I had to choose one with Nick in it. I always listen to his back-up vocals on the studio version. This video reminds me of Nick's musical genius. I'm betting Demi messed up the words. She always do. Songs wouldn't be hers without them.
Speaking of things-people-always-do, why does Nick always say that "C'mon give it up for (insert complete name of featured artist here)!" ? And in the same not-so-Nick manner? I don't get it.

By the way, glad Demi ditched the blondness. Her hair is finally back on the dark side The old hair doesn't become her. That added to my almost-Demi-hate during pre-rehab.

Didn't you notice that I like hyphened stuffs?

OMG this picture of Demi.

 ( :O

I've always loved that freckled nose of hers.

The Cammiedoodling continues.

Since we are on Cameron Mitchell (and before I can get a chance to forget), I want to post this other CM cover that is one of my favorites.

His first YT video. And he is sooo great.

AAAWWWESSOOMEE. Gads, all that energy. I love it.

I can't believe how young he is here. And how short his hair is.
His hair is abominable nowadays. It always looks as if it's taking a life of its own. Cammy looks like friggin Wolverine. But here he looks so neat and youthful and reaaallly cuuuttte. :) Please forgive my gushing.

Anyway, I hope you liked that as much as I did. I want to hear from you though. Desperately. So please something behind and type in a comment (or two) below. :)

Toodles my friend.

Oooh Cammiedoodling Madness

Sorry for that. I was trying to invent words. Not quite sure yet what 'Cammiedoodling' means though (did I construct that sentence properly? I had to ask).

I just saw this:

ANND I sooooo miss Cameron. He is so cute.

Look at him. What a nerd. 

A freaking cool nerd.

Jeez, I feel a song coming on.

This one, just because I love Cammie's covers and because this is my favorite John Mayer song and because that combination is just heavenly, because he's wearing brown TopSiders and because this cover is probably the reason why I liked him.

Au revoir.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Macy is so precious.

I don't usually post Macy's songs. They're all original and extra special that I need to really put effort on each of them so I've really taken my time. But right now I want to post this one song and I just COULDN'T wait. Macy writes impeccably good songs. Her song writing is really commendable, she could be a Taylor Swift with her writing sometimes. I love this one. It got me teary-eyed with that lump-on-your-throat feeling.

Hope you enjoy!

Here's the lyrics she posted but she changed it a bit.


Days away, from nineteen
Be lying if I said it didn't mean a thing
Not because of my birthday
3 years ago marks you and I's first date

It's a hard road running with a blindfold on
But old memories remind me why i'm hanging on

You were my baby that summer
Loved each other hard through a tough December
You were my rock through the tears we'd cry over the phone
Days get hard when its one without the other
But all of your photographs line my mirror
They're all I need to get me through this time of being away
This song is only for your heart
When you miss me so bad it breaks your heart
I promise a day where I am waking up to you
Home is with you

Looking back days away from nineteen
I don't regret anything
They say you don't find your love at sixteen
But they'd change their minds seeing the way he looks at me

It's a hard road running with a blindfold on
But old memories remind me why i'm hanging on

You were my baby that summer
Loved each other hard through a tough December
You were my rock through the tears we'd cry over the phone
Days get hard when its one without the other
But all of your photographs line my mirror
They're all I need to get me through this time of being away
This song is only for your heart
When you miss me so bad it breaks your heart
I promise a day where I am waking up to you
Home is with you

That Jon guy is a killer.

If there is one song that would make me jealous of Amy McLaughlin and make me want to replace her as Jon McLaughlin's wife, it's probably this one. I'm even scared of listening sometimes because I get goose flesh and I shiver repeatedly. It's ultimate love song. I don't know when I would get over it.

I might be stupid to think I could
Buy you dinner when some better man should
But here goes my manhood

So we order food I can't afford
You look so perfect
Maybe I should talk more
I could probably talk more

And then I kiss you for the first time
Your lips fit between mine
And the taste fills my mind
With the rest of our lives

You are my girl tonight

I follow blindly where you go
You know the me no one else on earth knows
And there goes my ego

We cannot sleep in separate beds
So I ask the question
And it hasn't left my mouth yet
And I hear you say yes

And then I kiss you for the first time
As husband and as wife
And the taste fills my mind
With the rest of our lives

You are my girl tonight

Some love is real and some is fake
I used to think my heart just healed to break
That was before our first date

And it's hard to say what true love is
All i know my dear is, we define it

And in me you'll always find it

And so I kiss you all the time
Cause' your lips fit between mine
And the taste fills my mind
With the rest of our lives

You are my girl tonight
You are my girl tonight

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Dude! Yo the best.

HAHAHA! The Vespers just followed me on Twitter!!!!! I was soooo stoked that I @mentioned them just to state the stupidly obvious--that they just followed me. UGH. Awkward. They replied with "Yep" or something along that line. I don't care! They're super great.

Friday, April 20, 2012

People I am besotted with these days

Exactly how I want to remember him.

I've liked Paul Bettany for quite some time now. But my liking him is supremely because of his role as Geoffrey Chaucer in 'A Knight's Tale'. I totally adore that movie. I'm not saying it's awesome but I love it. It endeared me to Heath Ledger so much and, of course, to Paul. Paul is pretty old now. Not much but, almost there. And yeah, I really really like him there. Jolly good character with a flare for words. I realized I was a goner when he said "Oh, my giddy aunt". And his role as Dustfinger in Inkheart, I like that too. The good guy with the bad exterior. I think he's funny. And I love the way he speaks. And I like his wife Jennifer Connelly.

Movies of him that I've watched:

A Knight's Tale (Geoff Chaucer)
Inkheart (Dustfinger)
The DaVinci Code (Silas-I didn't notice this til now. He had that naked torture scene. EW.)
The Young Victoria (Lord Melbourne- awesome movie, Paul's character was horrible)
A Beautiful Mind (Charles)


I absolutely hate Patrick Wilson's role in movies. His characters are pretty awful people. HAHA. I really got interested in him when I found out that he played in the Phantom movie. I don't know much about Phantom of the Opera but I do know it's a musical. And I know one song from there, which is 'All I Ask Of You'. So I waas searching for versions of that and I saw the video.

I was like, Patrick Wilson SINGS?! And he seemed to be pretty exceptional at it. He's like, a dedicated Broadway artist. And I feel my heart swooning.Yes, hearts can swoon.
But then the turning point was a section in O Magazine (Oprah's mag). There's this part called Things I Know For Sure where people, celebrities and lots of others enumerate things they know for sure about certain topics. This is how his part went:

Patrick Wilson, on Marriage

Patrick Wilson is appearing in the Broadway production of All My Sons with Katie Holmes and in the film Passengers.
I know three things for sure...

1. That no one says my name like my wife. I hear her say "Patrick Wilson," and I feel as if nobody's ever said it. That's never gone away.

2. That she has the most beautiful profile.

3. That no matter how late I put my son to bed, he will never sleep in.

— As told to Tish Durkin

Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/What-Do-You-Know-for-Sure/19#ixzz1sYwkLTRv

Well kick my shin and call me eggnog. The guy's a romantic. What a sweet pumpkin. Kinilig ako and I loved him instantly.

Movies of him I've watched:

Insidious (Josh Lambert)
The Phantom Of The Opera (Raoul-didn't really watch much)
I don't think I remember any more.


YES, this is why I didn't really appreciate Taylor's 'Ours' music video. Those teaser videos got me wonderin who the heck 'Jones' was. Turns out I really didn't want to know the answer to that.I have a crush on this guy. Just because of the movie 'Post Grad' where he stars alongside Alexis Bledel. Totally love his character aaand this guy's face. He looks geeky dorky cute. Yeahwell, I heard he's engaged.

Did I mention his name in the movie was ADAM?

I am extremely jealous. And THAT is an UNDERSTATEMENT.
I am seething.

Not hating though Tay though. We're actually on the same boat. It's just that she can actually do something about it. That's what I hate.

Moving on. Let's just watch him as Adam <3
Adam is the biggest NON jerk ever. And he gets brushed off. SUCKS, that. But then all ends well. Oh, here's one: Eskimo Pie Click please. :))

He does a pretty scowl.

Now here's a character. I'm not even entirely sure I wanna share him with y'all. Pretty greedy.
He is Benedict and he is Sherlock in the BBC series (which is brilliantly done and quite addicting). I'm not gonna say much. I am just clearly besotted with the gentleman.

Those things he wear are gonna be the death of me.