Friday, July 20, 2012

Posting Spree!

Hey people! As you very well may observe, I haven't been posting for a long time now. It is due to the fact that I've never had the decency and the backbone to do so until tonight. The beginning of the sem was hellfire and I needed all my wits about me to get through the first few weeks. Noooow....nothing has changed really except for me not caring anymore. HAHA. Kidding. I just decided to give myself a break. It's a Friday night and my brother just got tired of harassing the PC so now it's my turn. I have decided a posting spree because I am just itching to share new music with you! My playlist is full of amazing songs from amazing artists and I've been listening to them so much that I'm ready to embark on a new M.E.N. session to replace 'em all. HAHA.

Sooo, yeah, stay with me through the night and have fun listenin'! I love y'all. :D ♥♥♥

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