Monday, May 7, 2012

'Never Let Me Go' - The Trailer

This has sooo much effect on me. I don't know why but I've visited it's IMDb page before but I don't remember it at all. And it's soooooooooo, I don't know, so like those dystopian things I've been reading. So deliciously compelling. Must watch! Plus, Andrew Garfield and Keira Knightley?  UH-HUH! And I'm curious to see Carey Mulligan's acting. :)

UPDATE: Well, hey hey. It is a dystopian film after all. Did a little bit of researching. I think I may have brushed up on it back when I was on my dystopian-crazed phase and downloaded so many dystopian young adult fiction. HAHA. So much that I don't remember things. Anyway, these dystopian things are really creepy but so engrossing too. They're sooo weird :)

Hey, Charlie Rowe stars as the young Tommy! I'll tell you about Charlie on another post.


1 comment:

Echo said...

Andrew Garfield!! :""> Hey, lezz watch this together! =)))