Sunday, May 13, 2012

Movie: Rocket Science

Given that it is an extremely awful movie with a lot of stuttering, depression, divorce, heavy high school kissing with no emotional attachment whatsoever, and all adolescent turmoil and nonsense, I find I can still see the good in this movie. But I am not saying it’s not an awful movie. In fact, I’m saying don’t watch it unless you want to see the reasons why I like it. LOL Otherwise, it’s a gross coming-of-age film. But really, it’s heavy emotional too. You see, it’s about this guy Hal Hefner (?) and he stutters and can’t speak straight. So everybody thinks he’s a retard and so he tries to find his voice by joining the Debate Club whatever. Anyway. You see, I like details in movies. And I find joy in these little things. HAHAHA! I first watched this when I was in high school and I was so weirded out as well as fascinated, but really more weirded out. And I failed to notice the little things! But I decided I liked it anyway, just because it had spirit and emotion. But now, watching it again...How do I like thee? Let me count the ways.

1.      Anna Kendrick’s pudgy face! LOL. I can laugh at it for the whole movie. Dang, I just hate her character so much that I had to have something to be happy about when I see her.
2.      The narration. The narrator. So dramatic! And effective.
3.      That Chinese (?) whatever Asian guy named Aaron Yoo (I think). Anyway, he’s just so random and I don’t know his significance in this movie and he says the most random things and he’s always freaking smiling and it just borders on ridiculous. Really.
4.      Whenever I see Reece Daniel Thompson, that guy who plays Hal Hefner, I’m always day dreaming of what he looked like today for real. And I can’t help thinking he could be a very awesome nerd. Or if not, just cute. He’s more likely taller. And I bet age does him good. He has beautiful skin, you know.
5.      And HELLO! The ultimate, most important thing in this movie that I brushed off that first time is Nicholas D’Agosto. Ben. My Nickito. You see, just recently, Nick became my hero. When I saw him in some other movie, and I loved him. Then I’m re-watching this Rocket Science movie and I started from the middle. So I was half an hour in this movie when I realized my Nickito is in it! I have forgotten. I was but a teenager and I had no taste whatsoever. That’s the only explanation I can gather.
6.      Nickito debating. He’s so marvellous! I so love watching his face as these emotions flashes through it. I like seeing the quirk at the corner of his mouth as he starts to smile and how his eyebrows shoot up.
7.      Nickito dry cleaning. He wears a smock. :P That scene! I love that. His face is all sarcasm and exasperation. HAHA!
8.      Nickito so young. He’s 31 now I think. And he still looks exactly like that. He is INCAPABLE OF AGEING.
9.      Ben ditching Ginny in the beginning of the movie.
10.   Ben and Hal tag-teaming against Ginny! THAT IS EEEPPPPPPPIIIIC! Yes, I earlier expressed my deep disgust of Anna Kendrick’s character right?
11.   Ben’s wisdom.
12.   Nickito so tall J
13.   Nickito’s laugh when Hal told him about his cello-throwing fit of anger. “A real cello? *insert cute laugh here* Now that’s pretty sharp on my book.”
14.   Nickito saying “..blah blah (I couldn’t follow, he was talking too fast)..our priority which is finding you and your voice.” I just loved that.
15.   Nickito on the rooftop. When he screams “THROW ME THE CELLO!” so Hal will speak louder.
16.   Nickito playing the banjo. The banjo, of all instruments! I am fascinated by it, you see. And only recently. When I met Phoebe Cryar from The Vespers.
17.   Nickito singing The Battle blah blah of the Republic. HAHAHAHAHA!
18.   Nickito’s smile while singing said song.
19.   Earl, Hal’s brother, caring. At all.
20.   Ben and Hal’s polka-dotted bow ties.
21.   Hal Hefner’s song speech.
22.   The mystery behind Nickito’s character. I think it’s awfully complex and complicated. HAHA.

READ THIS: Rocket Science is NOT really an awful movie. I lied. This film is totally eccentric. It’s indie, which explains a lot. Geez, I like indie. They’re really weird but they have heart. Not to mention wit and intelligence! But I did have to do that internal battle of whether I really liked it or not, which lasted for all of 3 seconds. Really, awful or not, this movie is attached to me already.


Echo said...

Aww. Hindi ko pa napapanood yang movie na yan. But I think I wanna watch it already. It's because of youuuu! Hahaha. You really have a great influence in my life, you know! =)) And because of this post, I think I already have crush on Nickito! Hahaha =))

nikkablanco said...

It's not a very typical movie to like. It's very witty but for some people it would come off as boring or abstract or confusing. HAHA.

nikkablanco said...

Nickito is Nicholas d'Agosto/ Ben ha? Baka nalito ka na dahil sa mga pinagsasabi ko. Imbentong tawag ko lang sa kanya yung Nickito. HAHA.