Friday, May 4, 2012

Are you telling me its possible to have red hair and NOT be a Weasley?

Heyyyyyooooooo. HAHAHA.

Just being random. There's this band on Twitter who followed me quite some time ago. And I just have this crush on one of the band members. His name is Andrew from the band Rocky Loves Emily and I initially like him based solely on his being a ginger. I found it highly amusing because it is definitely what DEFINES him. He's like Andrew the ginger man or just plain Ginger. They do trends like #gingerproblems and #gingerwisdom and probably lots of other phrases with the word "ginger" on them and they make Be Calm posters saying "Be Calm and Ginger On" but then these are common ginger activities. But he is how I found out and it's so amusing and adorable. I can't resist stuffs like that and I definitely cannot resist a good mass of red hair. You probably don't know that about me so I'm coming clean now. I have this obsession with red hair, green eyes and freckles. Yes, freckles. I adore them. Most especially on a pretty girl's face, specifically along the nose.

Hey, Andrew is cute as heck too. He's got amazing eyes and I smile whenever I see his face. But half of the reason is amusement. HAHA.

Andrew. Andrew. Andrew.

I was on his Tumblr account earlier and some posts just really made me smile. So now I have a list of Andrew lines:
-I've got 99 #gingerproblems and a soul ain't one of them.
-Retweet if there is a special Red Head in your life.
-We’re all bad people, because nobody is good on their own.
-I don’t [have a girlfriend]. I have a wife, does that count? lol
-Obama has a tumblr? What a hipster! (Ohmygeez I definitely backflipped on this one. Andrew is a hipster himself)
-imposters. (when asked what he thought of people who dye their hair red)
-They are inferior to my breed! ;) (when asked what he thought of blondes)
I like another one from the band though. Their front man Brandon. Yeah, he's cool and slightly weird (even for me) and he is ABSURDLY TALL.

Check them out! The band, I mean. They're pretty cool. I would probably put them on my playlist IF I were in my rock/punk phase. But alas, I don't find myself in that mood just now.

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