Friday, April 27, 2012

The Cammiedoodling continues.

Since we are on Cameron Mitchell (and before I can get a chance to forget), I want to post this other CM cover that is one of my favorites.

His first YT video. And he is sooo great.

AAAWWWESSOOMEE. Gads, all that energy. I love it.

I can't believe how young he is here. And how short his hair is.
His hair is abominable nowadays. It always looks as if it's taking a life of its own. Cammy looks like friggin Wolverine. But here he looks so neat and youthful and reaaallly cuuuttte. :) Please forgive my gushing.

Anyway, I hope you liked that as much as I did. I want to hear from you though. Desperately. So please something behind and type in a comment (or two) below. :)

Toodles my friend.

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