Sunday, April 1, 2012

Joe Brooks and WATIC in Maniluuuhhhh!

Heyyo guys! A blissfully blessed day to y'all!

God has blessed me with internet time today. My brother has gone off to some swimming escapade with his friends, giving me a chance to do this.

I have discovered today, through Twitter (@JoeBrooksPH), that Joe Brooks and We Are The In Crowd are gonna be here in Manila this June! It's a separate event though. WATIC's is gonna be on June 2nd with a band called Set Your Goal (?). Brookie's has no definite date yet but I am more stoked for his concert! Gonna save money for that! I hope I can watch him. That has been a dream and prayer for so long.

Meanwhile, you can watch this Joe Brooks short film he did in Malaysia. :))

Inspired to study?
Other updates soon. Love y'all.

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