Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Listened to.

BEFORE THE STORM. Don't know why I'm posting this. HAHA. I just started playing my Miley Cyrus album one night and then while this song was playing I wondered about my penchant for 'analyzing' songs. I've sure had a lot of teasing because of this. Remarks like 'Surely I haven't gone too far as to 'analyze' the song." with a pointed glance and teasing smile at my direction. I didn't really feel ridiculous. I just felt curious. I tried to ask myself, why DID I analyze the songs? But then I'm like, why WOULDN'T you try to analyze it?
I mean, aren't songs like stories? They're practically a part of the lives of people who make them. They're stories, histories, feelings being told. The lyrics being the extent of which the artist can translate into words. The rest are unexplainably abstract that they can only be communicated through notes, sounds, melodies. How amazingly awesome. I've never looked at music like that, until now.
I love how I can have a glimpse of somebody's mind--thoughts, feelings and frustrations--through music. I love how it tells stories! (Sorry, I could've said that more than twice already but it bears repeating) That something that may consist of a dozen or so sentences worth of lyrics may be a whole love story all on its own. I love the shortness, that air of mystery. Sometimes you have to read between the lines to know the meaning and I like that. Sometimes it will even leave you hanging, so you're left to fill in the blanks and it's amazing because they could be filled with so many different things. You can interpret it the way you want to, to suit you, and it wouldn't be crime. You can sing it and OWN it, declare it as yours. You can tell YOUR story with it. Isn't that just grand?

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