Saturday, April 28, 2012

HAHA! Let's talk The Vespers.


Gads, I just realized that I've talked about the band The Vespers and how they followed me on Twitter and all that but I haven't even shared their awesome music with you!

I came to this realization because they just released a music video from their latest album and I was wondering what I HAVE posted before and it seems I haven't posted anything at all.

So, let's remedy that, shall we?

Sooo the band is composed of four people. 2 sisters and 2 brothers. But don't get confused, they aren't all related. They're two sets of siblings. Cool huh? Thought so too.

Their genre is folk pop, I think? Yeah, and they're indie. I got to know them through Jenny and Tyler of course! They promote them at every opportunity. Great friends.

They're awesome. How can the banjo and the upright bass be anything other than awesooooome?

These guys are really cute and I like their style so much. Especially the girls. I like their clothes and all.

Okay, off to music. I don't know a lot yet but I know some I really like.

Will You Love Me.
They look like pixies or some lake nymphs. HAHA.
Flower Flower.

My morning music. Just to be sunny the whole day :)

Better Now.
Fresh and new! Just downloaded some music from NoiseTrade. Download some too! Just go to NT and search them.

SO beautiful.

Friday, April 27, 2012

We Miss Geiger!

Miss your groooooooves man.

I listened to this and I wanted to bawl like an infant.

It's like tripping on a treasure you've forgotten you had. It's like encountering the freshness of first love.

I sound like a dork. But music makes me feel things. Sorry. It just feels amazing.

Sorry about this.

The delay I mean. I was supposed to post this right after my ever-long lament on Jon McL.

Forever If Ever

I love this song so much. Mainly because it talks about a love that is so strong and unconditional. Me and my friend Sam have been talking about "loving somebody in his/ her own terms" and this is the song that I believe demonstrates that.

If you notice the words, I think it talks about the girl having a restless heart. Trying to find meaning and purpose, never settling in one place. And the guy doesn't really like it. I think the girl leaves him hanging. And him, as he loves her, supports her and tries to be with her. But he's hurting.
But then at the chorus he's like, go ahead and find yourself, whatever will make you feel good and complete. And then if in the process you choose to 'let go', it's okay. But I'll still be here. I'll keep my heart open because I love you.
When he says "There's so much that you could say to take this pain away but the right words are ones you'll never find", I get the sense that this guy recognizes that this girl needs this whole finding myself journey. There's simply nothing he could do about it but wait. That if she does otherwise, it won't be her. Like, it's not in her character. That "the words she'll be saying" can make things alright between them but they will be against her very nature and principles and he doesn't want that.

Hey, this is the live acoustic version by the way. Not the studio version. It's hard to find but maybe you can download it on NoiseTrade. OR NOT. Probably not. Download it HERE instead. Better with drums. The lyrics are HERE.

And then we go to Summer Is Over

Anyway. You know, summer love and all that. It's obvious enough. People are crude. I just love the words and the tunes
I hate the one with Sara Bareilles (YES, I care to repeat myself)(She sounded like a man) because Jon's solo was good enough. How can I settle for second best once, as Katy Perry said in some song, "once I've had the best"?
And bloody heck. They totally removed that songs bridge. It's friggin incomplete.
Can't find the original on YouTube though. They take down everything. Pffffff. Okay, I am tipped off just typing about this. I'll update later.

See yah. Look for the originals alright?!

Why I love her. And a song.

If she's not like this, SIGH, I don't like her much..and pre-rehab she was, like, the opposite of this. I almost hated her then.

HEY, while we're here, let's have a song.

Sorry I chose the shaky video but I had to choose one with Nick in it. I always listen to his back-up vocals on the studio version. This video reminds me of Nick's musical genius. I'm betting Demi messed up the words. She always do. Songs wouldn't be hers without them.
Speaking of things-people-always-do, why does Nick always say that "C'mon give it up for (insert complete name of featured artist here)!" ? And in the same not-so-Nick manner? I don't get it.

By the way, glad Demi ditched the blondness. Her hair is finally back on the dark side The old hair doesn't become her. That added to my almost-Demi-hate during pre-rehab.

Didn't you notice that I like hyphened stuffs?

OMG this picture of Demi.

 ( :O

I've always loved that freckled nose of hers.

The Cammiedoodling continues.

Since we are on Cameron Mitchell (and before I can get a chance to forget), I want to post this other CM cover that is one of my favorites.

His first YT video. And he is sooo great.

AAAWWWESSOOMEE. Gads, all that energy. I love it.

I can't believe how young he is here. And how short his hair is.
His hair is abominable nowadays. It always looks as if it's taking a life of its own. Cammy looks like friggin Wolverine. But here he looks so neat and youthful and reaaallly cuuuttte. :) Please forgive my gushing.

Anyway, I hope you liked that as much as I did. I want to hear from you though. Desperately. So please something behind and type in a comment (or two) below. :)

Toodles my friend.

Oooh Cammiedoodling Madness

Sorry for that. I was trying to invent words. Not quite sure yet what 'Cammiedoodling' means though (did I construct that sentence properly? I had to ask).

I just saw this:

ANND I sooooo miss Cameron. He is so cute.

Look at him. What a nerd. 

A freaking cool nerd.

Jeez, I feel a song coming on.

This one, just because I love Cammie's covers and because this is my favorite John Mayer song and because that combination is just heavenly, because he's wearing brown TopSiders and because this cover is probably the reason why I liked him.

Au revoir.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Macy is so precious.

I don't usually post Macy's songs. They're all original and extra special that I need to really put effort on each of them so I've really taken my time. But right now I want to post this one song and I just COULDN'T wait. Macy writes impeccably good songs. Her song writing is really commendable, she could be a Taylor Swift with her writing sometimes. I love this one. It got me teary-eyed with that lump-on-your-throat feeling.

Hope you enjoy!

Here's the lyrics she posted but she changed it a bit.


Days away, from nineteen
Be lying if I said it didn't mean a thing
Not because of my birthday
3 years ago marks you and I's first date

It's a hard road running with a blindfold on
But old memories remind me why i'm hanging on

You were my baby that summer
Loved each other hard through a tough December
You were my rock through the tears we'd cry over the phone
Days get hard when its one without the other
But all of your photographs line my mirror
They're all I need to get me through this time of being away
This song is only for your heart
When you miss me so bad it breaks your heart
I promise a day where I am waking up to you
Home is with you

Looking back days away from nineteen
I don't regret anything
They say you don't find your love at sixteen
But they'd change their minds seeing the way he looks at me

It's a hard road running with a blindfold on
But old memories remind me why i'm hanging on

You were my baby that summer
Loved each other hard through a tough December
You were my rock through the tears we'd cry over the phone
Days get hard when its one without the other
But all of your photographs line my mirror
They're all I need to get me through this time of being away
This song is only for your heart
When you miss me so bad it breaks your heart
I promise a day where I am waking up to you
Home is with you

That Jon guy is a killer.

If there is one song that would make me jealous of Amy McLaughlin and make me want to replace her as Jon McLaughlin's wife, it's probably this one. I'm even scared of listening sometimes because I get goose flesh and I shiver repeatedly. It's ultimate love song. I don't know when I would get over it.

I might be stupid to think I could
Buy you dinner when some better man should
But here goes my manhood

So we order food I can't afford
You look so perfect
Maybe I should talk more
I could probably talk more

And then I kiss you for the first time
Your lips fit between mine
And the taste fills my mind
With the rest of our lives

You are my girl tonight

I follow blindly where you go
You know the me no one else on earth knows
And there goes my ego

We cannot sleep in separate beds
So I ask the question
And it hasn't left my mouth yet
And I hear you say yes

And then I kiss you for the first time
As husband and as wife
And the taste fills my mind
With the rest of our lives

You are my girl tonight

Some love is real and some is fake
I used to think my heart just healed to break
That was before our first date

And it's hard to say what true love is
All i know my dear is, we define it

And in me you'll always find it

And so I kiss you all the time
Cause' your lips fit between mine
And the taste fills my mind
With the rest of our lives

You are my girl tonight
You are my girl tonight

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Dude! Yo the best.

HAHAHA! The Vespers just followed me on Twitter!!!!! I was soooo stoked that I @mentioned them just to state the stupidly obvious--that they just followed me. UGH. Awkward. They replied with "Yep" or something along that line. I don't care! They're super great.

Friday, April 20, 2012

People I am besotted with these days

Exactly how I want to remember him.

I've liked Paul Bettany for quite some time now. But my liking him is supremely because of his role as Geoffrey Chaucer in 'A Knight's Tale'. I totally adore that movie. I'm not saying it's awesome but I love it. It endeared me to Heath Ledger so much and, of course, to Paul. Paul is pretty old now. Not much but, almost there. And yeah, I really really like him there. Jolly good character with a flare for words. I realized I was a goner when he said "Oh, my giddy aunt". And his role as Dustfinger in Inkheart, I like that too. The good guy with the bad exterior. I think he's funny. And I love the way he speaks. And I like his wife Jennifer Connelly.

Movies of him that I've watched:

A Knight's Tale (Geoff Chaucer)
Inkheart (Dustfinger)
The DaVinci Code (Silas-I didn't notice this til now. He had that naked torture scene. EW.)
The Young Victoria (Lord Melbourne- awesome movie, Paul's character was horrible)
A Beautiful Mind (Charles)


I absolutely hate Patrick Wilson's role in movies. His characters are pretty awful people. HAHA. I really got interested in him when I found out that he played in the Phantom movie. I don't know much about Phantom of the Opera but I do know it's a musical. And I know one song from there, which is 'All I Ask Of You'. So I waas searching for versions of that and I saw the video.

I was like, Patrick Wilson SINGS?! And he seemed to be pretty exceptional at it. He's like, a dedicated Broadway artist. And I feel my heart swooning.Yes, hearts can swoon.
But then the turning point was a section in O Magazine (Oprah's mag). There's this part called Things I Know For Sure where people, celebrities and lots of others enumerate things they know for sure about certain topics. This is how his part went:

Patrick Wilson, on Marriage

Patrick Wilson is appearing in the Broadway production of All My Sons with Katie Holmes and in the film Passengers.
I know three things for sure...

1. That no one says my name like my wife. I hear her say "Patrick Wilson," and I feel as if nobody's ever said it. That's never gone away.

2. That she has the most beautiful profile.

3. That no matter how late I put my son to bed, he will never sleep in.

— As told to Tish Durkin

Read more:

Well kick my shin and call me eggnog. The guy's a romantic. What a sweet pumpkin. Kinilig ako and I loved him instantly.

Movies of him I've watched:

Insidious (Josh Lambert)
The Phantom Of The Opera (Raoul-didn't really watch much)
I don't think I remember any more.


YES, this is why I didn't really appreciate Taylor's 'Ours' music video. Those teaser videos got me wonderin who the heck 'Jones' was. Turns out I really didn't want to know the answer to that.I have a crush on this guy. Just because of the movie 'Post Grad' where he stars alongside Alexis Bledel. Totally love his character aaand this guy's face. He looks geeky dorky cute. Yeahwell, I heard he's engaged.

Did I mention his name in the movie was ADAM?

I am extremely jealous. And THAT is an UNDERSTATEMENT.
I am seething.

Not hating though Tay though. We're actually on the same boat. It's just that she can actually do something about it. That's what I hate.

Moving on. Let's just watch him as Adam <3
Adam is the biggest NON jerk ever. And he gets brushed off. SUCKS, that. But then all ends well. Oh, here's one: Eskimo Pie Click please. :))

He does a pretty scowl.

Now here's a character. I'm not even entirely sure I wanna share him with y'all. Pretty greedy.
He is Benedict and he is Sherlock in the BBC series (which is brilliantly done and quite addicting). I'm not gonna say much. I am just clearly besotted with the gentleman.

Those things he wear are gonna be the death of me.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Oh, look! Look!

Lookit! It's David Henrie! Ugh. I wanna squeeze his chubby cheeks.


I wasn't particularly excited about Coachella weekend but I'm still pretty piffed that I missed it. HAHA. I'm looking forward to Bamboozle and Vans Warped Tour more. But I'd be extra stoked if some of my favorite bands were playing.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ah, yes. Finally. (UPDATED)

Ah, yes. Finally.
I am writing this post with regards to Sir Jon McLaughlin, Marquis of Promises. Oh, sorry. I’ve been much too engrossed with Historical Fiction these days that I just can’t help talking ridiculously in English.
Anyway, I write this post now in great haste, contrary to the state of it these past few months as it was doing naught but sit in my drafts folder. I have attempted, or rather, have been attempting to write this post for so long now. I think I have started to type some during December or November of last year. I really didn’t think it would have held up until now.
During that moment of composition I was quite passionate, in a negative way. That first attempt in writing reeked of rage and disbelief and disappointment. And as I have thought, the things I were about to discuss that time were but the beginnings of it all. J
I have refrained from posting it, more because of my mere lack of negative words to throw at Jon (rather than petty expletives and exclamation points y’all might have been exasperated to read) than my helpful insights about the matter. Oh my, you might want to read that sentence again.
Where was I? Oh yes, well, now I am mustering up all my courage to post this as the fruition of the issue at hand was just released, in VEVO no less.
Okay, so before you let your imagination go awry, I must start at the beginning. Let’s stop this formal thing, it’s getting to me. And I don’t promise an improvement regarding the expletives and exclamation points I’ve been telling you about either.
 Well, it all started that one afternoon that I was browsing through my emails. As you know, I have signed up for Jon’s mailing list for updates. Because, by Jove, I care about his updates even if they’re about albums I can’t buy and concerts I can’t attend not to mention the fact that I extremely adore reading “Dear Nikka” at the beginning of every post.
Ahem. So, I was reading through one of these, the most recent one, at that. He was talking about the release of a single on iTunes, his song ‘Summer Is Over’ from his album Forever If Ever that he recently released as well. But it was different because he collaborated with Sara Bareilles on this particular one. At first my reaction was “BAAAH, bigaten si pareng McL, Suma-Sara Bareilles si kuya.” And I was particularly happy. And feeling a bit proud above else. I was trying to get over my Obsessive Possessive disorder that time, you see. I was trying to share his joy because I sincerely liked him and I wanted to be supportive. But upon reading the rest of the update, my feelings just began to sink.
WHOO, listening to Jon McLaughlin while doing this is not easy, mind you. But it helps refresh my memory of my non-too-pleasant feelings.
He talked in passing about his UPCOMING album. UPCOMING, mind you. That really got me suspicious. I thought at first it was Forever If Ever but HELLO? He just released the thing. My mind just couldn’t comprehend that he’d be releasing an album mere months after he released that one. Heaven knows how long we’d have to wait for that one to come along! And that was because he was working independently, meaning, he didn’t have a producer or a record label or something. He produced the thing on his own. I really thought he would let that sit and seep in us, for a good while at least. Gad, oh but am I agitated. SIGH.
But I wasn’t feeling all intense that time. I just had that sinking feeling. Haven’t confirmed anything you see. I was pretty wary. And he had little details to give away, didn’t he? I knew then that the perfect way to know about this is through the fans and where better to find out than Tumblr where fanatics are more than insane and very informative. And as I thought, a good number of people mentioned about the new album. Some were as incredulous as I. I also found out that this album release was due to the fact that Jon eventually found himself a record label to accommodate him. Okay, that sounded condescending. Sorry. What I meant was a record label to support his musical endeavours. So there, he was going to do a re-release of Forever If Ever but under the title Promising Promises which is the title of one of his song in the album. I found this amusingly appropriate as the song Forever If Ever was merely a BONUS track in the previous album. I really didn’t get that. AND it was released, sometime AFTER the album was released, for free on NoiseTrade. At least Promising Promises was a part of the original album. Jon is a most peculiar thing.
This is Jon Read it.
I felt really betrayed by him. That is my whole point. I don’t know why. Maybe because I was rather very proud of his indie state. I was just infected by how happy HE was! During that release he was pretty proud of himself y’know! Sigh. I guess perhaps one really needs a label to make it big in the industry. It’s a blessing to him and it is just probably proper of him to welcome it and thank for it. I guess I’m pretty much not over my OPD.  Or maybe I felt betrayed because I didn’t get to know this was happening. I felt like it happened right under my nose and I didn’t know about until it was already being shoved at me. And now that the music video for Summer Is Over (the only song from the album I have grown to love, except for Forever If Ever) is out, I am overcome with jealousy of Sara. It’s seeing her in that video with Jon. No, it’s more because that video showed the Jon I always have imagined. The homey, comfortable, at-home Jon. And it was Sara frolicking there with him. If it was Amy, I would have probably thought it very sweet
Well? Have you found my little anecdote rather amusing? Me too. Whether your answer was a positive or a negative.
SIGH. This post has been a bit depressing huh? You might already be thinking that I loathe this Jon man. Oh but that is just the thing--I don’t. As I sit here writing this and listening to his music, my heart is swelling just hearing his voice and reading into his lyrics. He is a rather sweet and romantic man, I realize. And he has the ability to translate that into his music. What a man.
Even if he proved to be incorrigible, he is still amazing to me. Thus, I am going to share some thoughts on two of his songs that are the only ones left in my current playlist.
See next post please :)

Listened to.

BEFORE THE STORM. Don't know why I'm posting this. HAHA. I just started playing my Miley Cyrus album one night and then while this song was playing I wondered about my penchant for 'analyzing' songs. I've sure had a lot of teasing because of this. Remarks like 'Surely I haven't gone too far as to 'analyze' the song." with a pointed glance and teasing smile at my direction. I didn't really feel ridiculous. I just felt curious. I tried to ask myself, why DID I analyze the songs? But then I'm like, why WOULDN'T you try to analyze it?
I mean, aren't songs like stories? They're practically a part of the lives of people who make them. They're stories, histories, feelings being told. The lyrics being the extent of which the artist can translate into words. The rest are unexplainably abstract that they can only be communicated through notes, sounds, melodies. How amazingly awesome. I've never looked at music like that, until now.
I love how I can have a glimpse of somebody's mind--thoughts, feelings and frustrations--through music. I love how it tells stories! (Sorry, I could've said that more than twice already but it bears repeating) That something that may consist of a dozen or so sentences worth of lyrics may be a whole love story all on its own. I love the shortness, that air of mystery. Sometimes you have to read between the lines to know the meaning and I like that. Sometimes it will even leave you hanging, so you're left to fill in the blanks and it's amazing because they could be filled with so many different things. You can interpret it the way you want to, to suit you, and it wouldn't be crime. You can sing it and OWN it, declare it as yours. You can tell YOUR story with it. Isn't that just grand?

Give Your Heart A Break Music Video

I really like Demi.

I miss her. And her Hispanic accent. She's a proud Latina.
And all of her other accents.

Merry Go Round-Tanner Patrick

How long have we been waiting for this? We'll make TP history.

Merry Go Round y'all.

So proud of Tanner!

RANDOM: If you watch this on YouTube, the top comment is about TP being perfect as Finnick O'dair (a character in the The Hunger Games trilogy) and I totally awesomely superbly AGREE! With those eyes, there's no arguing. At all. He just needs to put on some weight and muscles (TP is so slender) and he'll be good to go! AUDITION NOW TP!

Anyway, I also saw this on YouTube. HAHA. The MV office scenes remind you of TSwizzle's 'Ours' MV right? Ya know I was gonna do an 'Ours' reaction post but didn't follow through because I was just gonna talk about how I hate it that the guy there is my crush. From Post Grad you know? Swift ruins things like that.

Anyway, I thought this was gonna be the office scenes, but they're not. It's the carousel scenes. LOL. From TSwift's Wonderstruck commercial.

HEY'ALL! I found it! Wait. So last time, I commented on the Tanner-Taylor video mentioning the office scenes. Someone replied to my comment and apparently she did a video of that! :D

Here it is:


I was just on my YouTube newsfeed and I saw Tanner Patrick's cover for Carly Rae Jepsen's song Call Me Maybe.

I hate that woman. I don't know why.

I hear Justin Biebs is her "manager". Whatev. Hate her.

But this song amuses me to no end. That is definitely NOT a compliment.

Watch these stuffs.


AND THIS????!!! Tanner? Seriously.

Can't blame him really. When HE sings it, it takes on a whole new dimension. He's sooo cute.
Speaking of TP, Merry Go Round music video is OOOOOUUUTTT! Fin-UH-lly! Checkiiitt on the next post.

Heyyo guys! My friends Jenny and Tyler just released a new music video for their song Little Balloon.

Jenny and Tyler are married and they make wonderful music together. They are awesome people striving to spread God's love and all wonderful things through their music.

HEEEYYY, guess what? They want us to name their balloon! If you want to, comment on YouTube or tweet them! :))!/jennyandtyler

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Andrew Allen mashes things up.


This is Andrew Allen, a singer-songwriter from Canada :)
This is his mash-up of Train, 1D and The Wanted.
He is soooo awesome :D

I am so proud of this Canadian dude.

So, yeah. I wanna also take this time to post some of his awesome songs. One of which is aptly titled 'Amazing'.

Very cool. And cry-worthy.
Beautiful and pretty sad lyrics.

Another one is Loving You Tonight which is so feel-good! It reveals that Andrew Allen personality that is just always happy and bright. :)) Whenever I see Andrew, he is always SMILING! HAHA. He's awesome like that.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Joe Brooks and WATIC in Maniluuuhhhh!

Heyyo guys! A blissfully blessed day to y'all!

God has blessed me with internet time today. My brother has gone off to some swimming escapade with his friends, giving me a chance to do this.

I have discovered today, through Twitter (@JoeBrooksPH), that Joe Brooks and We Are The In Crowd are gonna be here in Manila this June! It's a separate event though. WATIC's is gonna be on June 2nd with a band called Set Your Goal (?). Brookie's has no definite date yet but I am more stoked for his concert! Gonna save money for that! I hope I can watch him. That has been a dream and prayer for so long.

Meanwhile, you can watch this Joe Brooks short film he did in Malaysia. :))

Inspired to study?
Other updates soon. Love y'all.