Saturday, December 3, 2011

See what I mean?

One of the many things I like to watch is when Jon plays the piano. It just fascinates me how he's always so into it. I call him The Great Piano Mamaw. If you're too boring, you could just say that he's a piano virtuoso or something. He just has this huge and passionate love affair with the black and white keys, I guess.
Anyway, seeing him stooped above his piano gets me all the time. Sometimes he doesn't even have the luxury of a seat, he just literally stoops over the thing. Why are piano playing people like that anyway? I sometimes feel uneasy and wonders if he can even sing in that position. But he delivers, everytime.
Jon's a treasure. I love him so much. I don't know how many times I've said that but everytime I think of him, this flow of affection would surge through me and I become a lovesick puppy mulling over this guy.
All this I got from watching 10 seconds of a video of him. I tell you, this man has got me hard! HAHA.
Back to the piano thing. I love Jon's piano playing. The ones in his songs are immensely sweet and kinda leaning on super brilliant. Sometimes I could not really love one song but totally be crazy about the piano parts there. All the piano parts in his songs are very hard. He has this habit of writing songs that are really hard to play that even he can't seem to play it the way he likes to.
See what I mean? Well, I guess this one's excusable since he's got a missing key. But this next one. HAHA. He even has the decency to title it 'Piano is Hard'
When I watched this I'm like "Are you kidding me?! You're like a piano king!" He's being funny. 

I love you soooo much Jon!
Check Jon out, you will never regret meeting him.

1 comment:

Echo said...

Oh my!! I LOVE JON too! Like he's so awesome. Gah, wala na akong masabi kundi I really love him and his music. ;)