Friday, October 14, 2011

LEIRA! YEAH YOU! As promised...


This is my lousy blog which is utterly bare. I want to do this blog and make it the BOMBEST thing I have ever done but honestly, typing is not my most favorite activity. And besides, what do I know about these computer stuffs?

But I will do it for YOOOUU!

Pero please just forgive me. For my mind is a cluttered mess and I can just do random songs that pop into my head. This will not be any more organized and any more systematic as my backpack when we were in high school.

But I hope you really check things out, enjoy them (or not, whichever you prefer) and comment! I love you!


Read my old posts for the time being as I think of what song to write about (there's so many, I can't choose). But I'm warning you that those are quite old entries na talaga. HAHA.

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