Friday, October 28, 2011

Damn Cute Smile-Brookline Drive

I used to pronounce the band's name as BrookLYN instead of BrookLINE. HAHA.

I know, I know, this song has a cuss word in it. I don't even know what it means actually and how it became a cuss andd...yeah..I don't know much about cursing.

But this song is just fun and awesoooome!
It amazes me how this one sounds almost exactly like the recording! I'm a sucker for these details.

Listen to the song!
Yeah, just skip their yapping at the beginning but if you're interested in the band, you should listen to the yapping :)) for they say their Facebooks and Twitters and stuffs, not that they'd be difficult to find on those said social networking sites.
Here! Enjooy!

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