Sunday, May 13, 2012

Chick-Lit: Anna and the French Kiss

I recently read this chick-lit titled Anna and the French Kiss and I really liked it.

It's about this girl Anna who was sent off to Paris by his dad. He enrolled her to a boarding school for Americans. Can you believe it?! She was a senior already! Well, she totally hated that and she had a rough time. And then she meets these guys who became her friends and among them was the guy of her dreams. BBBUUUUTTT he already has a girlfriend and they've been together for a year. UGH. Talk about ouch. But that girl doesn't go to that school anymore. Etienne and Anna became friends and then BEST friends and then y'know what comes next. They hang out for the whole year for Pete's sake. And theeeennnnn....

Anyway, I'm not gonna say anymore cause you might want to read the thing. And hey, if you do, just tell me and I'll e-mail you the e-book version I have. :)

It's totally awesome.What I liked about it is the fact that it's about friendship too. Not just silly sloppy romance. I like Anna's friends and the way they hang out. I wish I had those kinds of friends. Another reason why I liked this is Anna's character. You know, I seldom read chick-lits before this because I find that I don't like the protagonists that much from other chick-lits. And more often than not, the books are in their POV sooo eeew. Irritating girls. But I find that I like Anna very much. Her interest Etienne St. Claire is, of course, desirable. Hot, if you don't mind my saying so. The only thing you probably wouldn't typically like is his being short. I don't like short guys because, well, I'm a short girl. Balance is essential, am I not right? Anyway, St. Claire is cool. And his name! Etienne. So romantic. I've read the name before, in the Julia Quinn novels. It intrigued me then, that name. HAHAHA. He also shows his weakness and vulnerability here so it's cool too. I like that I know what the boy is about. I like that I know his story too and I can predict his actions and thoughts because of what the story reveals about his past and his character.

It's really nakakakilig so you better read it!

Hey, here's a trailer I found on YouTube. It's so cool. That is not a movie ver. of Anna and the French Kiss, though. That is a movie titled LOL. It might sound familiar to you because there's an American remake to be shown soon starring (guess who) Miley Cyrus! Yeah. Hahaha. Anyway, this version is French, which is awesome so I'll watch it. HAHAHAHA! It's a good video for Anna and the French Kiss because it shows some scenes that are parallel with the scenes in the book. :))


Echo said...

Send me a copy of the e-book! =)) It sounds really interesting. :D And BTW, tell me how Anna and her friends hang out and we'll do those things too. :)) Awww. I miss you guys already. :(

"He also shows his weakness and vulnerability here so it's cool too. I like that I know what the boy is about." -- I like this one too. I like it when boys show their soft side. =)) In real life of course. I think I'll fall in love with Etienne. :"">

Oh. And the remake. It's kinda cool. You know I kinda like Miley. HAHAHA =))

Wow. This is a bit long comment. Weeeew. =))

nikkablanco said...

YEAH! I'll send it to yah! I'm reading a lot of chick lit as of late. Just because of this one! I think it's the standard for all good chick lit.

I don't need to tell you how they hang out since you're GOING TO READ IT! HAHAHA! Booyah!

I'll watch the French one and then I'll watch the remake. I think the boy in the remake is cute though. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.