Friday, March 2, 2012

Jenny and Tyler

Hey everyone! I just got home from Uni and I am quite happy to be back home. All the stress from school works is getting to me and, honestly, I'm stumped. But now I'm here and I've eaten a late dinner so I guess all iz well again :>

I really want to take this time to write about this couple (they're married) I've discovered just sometime this week. As you may (or may not :/) know, I sometimes go to Noisetrade to discover and download music for free. Cause I feel bad sometimes when I know I'm pirating music. At least in Noisetrade we know that the artists put them there, it's legal and it's totally free. I do not have the moolah to buy from iTunes okay?

So okay, I'm searching for them music. At first I was looking for fun. and Owl City stuff but I think the downloads were up for a limited time only and maybe I was too late. And then the couple's new album is at the Top Downloads so I checked em out. Jenny and Tyler are husband and wife and they make music together. I had time to listen to one song which was posted on their website. That girl Jenny! She pretty much got me on the first line. So I posted the video on my Facebook profile without even finishing the whole song. I dig. I think I have this weird thing for girl-boy duo's. They make pretty sweeeet stuffs. :>

Aaaanyway, fast forward to just some plenty minutes before this post, I am checking out that thing I posted on my profile. And my friend, Pauline, liked it. When Pauli likes stuffs I post, I usually assume she knows the stuff. That's logical right? So I get this feeling that maybe they're Christian. I dunno. Me and Pauli, we're Christians and she knows many Christian artists. And voila. I am right. That is such a HUGE plus! I love them so much now. You should check out their music, their site, their blog. Sign up for their mailing list, read their cute bio, go all out!

Here's the song I listened to: Faint Not. The lead single off their new three track album of the same title (which I have already downloaded FOR FREE :>)

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