Monday, January 9, 2012

Falling in love.

Falling in love.......

AAGGGHHH! Uhmmmmm....HAHAHA...

So insane...Tchchchch.


Teddy Geiger, this boy. I mean, man-guy-whatever.

I'm giggling like a silly schoolgirl..STOP.

He never fails, never fails.

I'm so glad he's back.

I'm so glad that I want to give him a huge hug.


AAND, he just followed me on Twitter.

After two hysterical tweets (because he's been following so many fans-EXCLUDING ME) of begging and asking, he finally said YES. :))))

I may now kiss my computer screen.
I knew it.

He loves me, he really does.

Gads, please adore this person with me.
It's true, he has resurrected and he's back to kill, pretty much.
I'm NOT obsessive. I'm just amplifying my feelings in my writing so maybe...'exaggerated' (?) suits me just fine.

All of this brings me back to the first song. I just randomly saw this on TV. And I saw Teddy's eyes. And..well you have to see for yourself and experience it too. I'll leave this to you.

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