Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Eric Stoltz

Eric Stoltz. The man from Some Kind of Wonderful. The "You look good wearing my future" guy. The almost-Marty McFly person.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Always by Kristian Stanfill

This song is extremely wonderful in ways I cannot fully express. :D
Here he is at the Passion concert in Manila, May 2010.
He was with Chris Tomlin and speaker Louie Giglio.

This is Kristian and he is an awesome singer/songwriter. He plays for the Passion conferences. I got to see him last 2010 when I attended Passion Manila 2010 at the Smart Araneta Coliseum. He was amazing. The energy was just overwhelming. I tried not to think of how good he looked back then because well, hello, it was a worship concert. But, he is really good-looking. Haha.I dreamed of him recently, which embarrasses me but well, it's the truth.

Anyway, THIS SONG! Has helped me get through some tough times. HAHA. I play it every time before my ENG103 class. That is the worst. I need this song to even convince me to attend class. YYYEAAAH. Anyway, I hope you also love Kristian's work! :) This is Passion 2011 in Atlanta.

Loving You Is Easy by Chris August

Chris here is my new-found friend! I love him! He's a believer and he's just funny and light-hearted but still you can see his depth and the gravity of his faith.

Here's one of his fun and awesome songs. Hope you enjoy!

Promising Promises by Jon McLaughlin

Once again, Jon is able to prove himself as the piano genius that he is. HAHA. I'm afraid I'm going to put so much of him in the following posts. Prepare yourself.

Anyway, for the meantime, this is Promising Promises, one of my current favorites. Enjoy!

The Addams Family Musical

I've known this for a time now, though I haven't seen the whole thing. Of course, how could I? It's BROOOADWWWAAYYY.

Anyway, I only know two awesooome songs. HAHA. 

Wednesday's solo.

This is Krysta. She is an awesome kick-ass female. HAHA. I love her. She's the original Broadway Wednesday. Next to her is Rachel Potter.
This one is a Wednesday understudy. For the National Tour.

Crazier Than You
Wednesday and Lucas, her boyfriend. HAHA. I looove this scene.

Krysta and Wesley. You might know Wes Taylor, I've seen him on TV some. Saw him just recently on Smash. He's pretty cool.
Honestly, I like this one better. That girl's name is Courtney, I think? I love Krysta and Wes, but I just think the Courtney-Jesse pairing is better with this number. I loooove Courtney's delivery of the dialogue which I think is very dead-pan and funny and I like how her voice is smooth when she's singing so I really get the melody. I like Jesse's acting too, he's all suave and he and Courtney look great together. Anyway, this one is just dearer to me.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Posting Spree!

Hey people! As you very well may observe, I haven't been posting for a long time now. It is due to the fact that I've never had the decency and the backbone to do so until tonight. The beginning of the sem was hellfire and I needed all my wits about me to get through the first few weeks. Noooow....nothing has changed really except for me not caring anymore. HAHA. Kidding. I just decided to give myself a break. It's a Friday night and my brother just got tired of harassing the PC so now it's my turn. I have decided a posting spree because I am just itching to share new music with you! My playlist is full of amazing songs from amazing artists and I've been listening to them so much that I'm ready to embark on a new M.E.N. session to replace 'em all. HAHA.

Sooo, yeah, stay with me through the night and have fun listenin'! I love y'all. :D ♥♥♥

Sunday, June 17, 2012


My Patty Walters conversations on Twitter. HAHA. All two of them LOL. Rachel doesn't reply to me! She does on YouTube though. :D

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Period Drama: North and South

This drama is my new favorite!

Gads, ever since I watched Pride and Prejudice, I've been thirsting for period drama. I've tried re-watching the older version of P&P but it didn't quite pique my interest. But when I saw a clip of North and South on Youtube, I just knew I had to watch it. I'm not really used to watching period romance, I've been used more to reading it. But I've discovered that it is such a pleasure to watch it! To see for myself their clothes, to hear their accents, to know how a country ball looked like. It's hard to imagine when you've never seen anything like it in your life. HAHAHA.

I also want to mention that this is a show by BBC. Recently, I've really grown to liking their shows. (Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sherlock, Doctor Who). I also know they do a lot of good period drama. The good thing is they do them as serials which, I think, is waaaay better than doing them as movies. Especially the adaptations like Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and other stuffs. The first BBC show I've watched is, of course, Sherlock which is NOT a period drama. Anyway, I want to talk more about North and South.

This drama is set in the time of the Industrial Revolution, I've gathered. And it's about the differences between the slower-paced, more rural South of England and the Industrialized North. This show is based on the novel by Elizabeth Gaskell. I've recently downloaded an e-book version of this and I am soooo looking forward to reading it. Much so, in fact, that I have also downloaded an audio book that I can listen to if I can't get a hold of a computer or an e-book reader. Last night, HAHA, I listened to it till I fell asleep and my dream was infused with bits of the story. It's so funny.

Okay, so this is a synopsis from the BBC website.

Set against the backdrop of Victorian England's industrial north, it follows the fortunes of Margaret Hale, one of 19th century literature's most original heroines.

Played by Daniela Denby-Ashe, Margaret is a privileged, middle class southerner who is forced to settle in the northern town of Milton.

Margaret takes instant offence to the town and its people. She becomes terribly lonely and hates the dirt, noise and lack of civilisation, blaming their new way of life for her mother's ailing health.

Her distaste for the town and its people extends to handsome and charismatic cotton mill owner John Thornton, (Richard Armitage), whom she believes epitomises everything she dislikes about the North.

However, Margaret gradually begins to settle in Milton. Her social conscience awakens and she befriends some of the local mill workers, learning about their poverty and workplace struggles.

As events conspire to throw Margaret and Thornton together, the two spirited characters have to overcome their repressed physical attraction for one another and conquer prejudices of class and circumstance.
Another shorter one from Wikipedia

North & South is a British television drama serial, produced by the BBC and originally broadcast in four episodes on BBC One in November and December 2004. It follows the story of Margaret Hale (Daniela Denby-Ashe), a young woman from southern Englandwho has to move to the North after her father decides to leave the clergy. The family struggles to adjust itself to the industrial town's customs, especially after meeting the Thorntons, a proud family of cotton mill owners who seem to despise their social inferiors. The story explores the issues of class and gender, as Margaret's sympathy for the town mill workers conflicts with her growing attraction to John Thornton (Richard Armitage).

The serial is based on the 1855 Victorian novel North & South by Elizabeth Gaskell. It was adapted for television by Sandy Welch and directed by Brian Percival.
This drama is actually so sweet and romantic. I also like the history behind it. If you know Pride and Prejudice, the love story is actually quite similar. How the heroine hates the hero at the beginning and all that.

What I really really really like about this drama is the hero, John Thornton. At first, I didn't really like him. I don't think anybody would've liked him in his first scene because he actually beats up one of the workers in his mill. HAHA. But he had a reason for beating up the lad, at least. As the story progresses, my word! You are going to adore every fiber of his being. He is a complete momma's boy. HAHA. No, I wouldn't actually say that. It's just that his mom is all he has in the world. His mother absolutely loves him, although she could be overly protective. I also like their not-so-typical relationship, although it's easy dislike his mother. Another reason why John Thornton is amazing is because of the actor who portrayed him, Richard Armitage. HE IS SOOOO FRIGGIN' AWESOME! What an excellently effective actor. I am totally besotted with his piercingly fierce eyes and his half-smiling wry lips. Gosh! The thing is, I like details in what I watch. I like to notice the little things. And Richard is the kind of actor who pays attention to those things. So, I really love every flicker of his eyes, every tilt in his tone of speaking, every twitch of the corner of his mouth. He acts with those small details and I just feel elated watching him. I guarantee you, you will fall in love with him. **Oooh! I'll disrupt this train of thought to mention that Richard is going to be in The Hobbit! Although I seriously don't think he'll be as awesome looking there. I think he's the guy, that character, I always see with his face covered with mustache and beard. HAHA. Although his sideburns in North and South is most definitely charming too. END**

Daniela Denby-Ashe does a fantastic job as Margaret Hale. I love her face! Those eyes with those eyebrows? So attractive. And she doesn't come off as prissy despite all that. But Margaret's character can get pretty annoying sometimes, with her prejudice and rash judgment and how she acts upon those sooo sometimes I come close to detesting the chit. HAHA.

I like it that I know more about Thornton than I do Margaret. I know about his feelings more than hers. He even falls in love with her earlier! It's like he's the main protagonist here. And Margaret is the ethereal closed-off character he adores.

It's quite easy to make audience develop a liking towards Thornton. He is pretty much like Fitzwilliam Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. Dark, brooding and exceedingly moody brute. But his show of vulnerability, his declaration of love even though he knows "such a woman cannot care for him", oh gads, you do not only trust the man, you actually become smitten.

You know how when the movie affects you, you almost immediately deem it as a fantastic work of art? Well, this series gave me shivers and lowered me to mindless screeching with just a mere holding of hands. I am not exaggerating. When Margaret kissed Thornton's hand, I was breathless. When they kissed, well, my world was irredeemably shattered. You better watch out for this last scene.

Everyone is particularly in shambles because of the "Look back. Look back at me." scene. OH, but I'm telling too much already.

I would love to watch this thing with you guys. It's just four episodes (pouting), PLEASE????


Monday, May 14, 2012

Tell me why this isn't the cutest thing ever.

I only know one reason why this isn't the cutest thing ever: it makes me extremely jealous of Adam Young. I wish Matty was telling me that.

Otherwise, it's the cutest thing ever.

I really want this book.

I've read other John Green works but I never really like them that much. But this one seems promising.